Elder Care Mediation


Resolving Family Conflicts Through Elder Mediation

Is your family in conflict about decisions regarding an elderly or senior member? Are you or another family member considering going (or have already gone) to court to seek guardianship or resolve another dispute? Are you in conflict with a care provider regarding services for an elder?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then mediation may be an effective, safe, and private method of helping your family resolve conflicts and get the help you need without litigation.

Addressing the Unique Challenges of an Aging Population

As our society faces the growing concerns of an aging population, families are presented with unique and often complex situations. Whether dealing with family-owned businesses or concerns within the immediate family, mediation can provide valuable assistance in resolving these issues.

Common Family Conflicts Involving Elderly Members:

  • Deciding if and when elderly parents should sell their home and move into an assisted living facility.
  • Determining which child should provide care if a parent wishes to remain home.
  • Assessing the level of care an elderly parent needs.
  • Resolving disagreements among siblings regarding the best course of action.

The Role of an Elder Mediator

A good elder mediator is essential in facilitating these discussions. Their role is not to place blame or responsibility on any one party but to ask questions, solicit discussion, and help the parties arrive at a mutually acceptable solution. Mediation is only successful if all parties agree that the solution is appropriate.

The Importance of a Balanced Approach

As we age, transitioning roles and responsibilities requires a delicate balance. Assessing living situations, managing day-to-day activities, and finding the best options can be challenging for family members. These situations become even more complicated with second marriages and stepchildren.

Creating a Thoughtful Plan for the Future

As individuals age, changes in needs and roles can impose new stresses on seniors and their loved ones. Faced with these challenges, many families seek help to develop new ways of coping with differing views and positions, which can lead to or exacerbate unhealthy conflict among family members. Mediation provides an opportunity for the elder and all concerned family members to participate in creating a thoughtful plan for the future.

Our Mediation Approach

Our approach to elder mediation focuses on several key steps to ensure comprehensive and effective resolution:

  1. Involving All Stakeholders: Ensuring all relevant family members and stakeholders are included in the conversations.
  2. Identifying Challenges and Obstacles: Clearly outline the issues and barriers that must be addressed.
  3. Facing Realities: Encouraging all parties to confront the practical and emotional realities of the situation.
  4. Improving Communication: Enhancing understanding and communication between family members regarding their needs and concerns.
  5. Bringing in Experts: Involving professionals when necessary to provide specialized advice on physical care assessments and financial solutions.
  6. Developing Viable Options: Exploring and considering different practical and acceptable solutions to all parties.
  7. Making Workable Decisions: Reaching consensus on decisions and plans that are feasible and sustainable.

Flexible Meeting Options

To accommodate the needs of all family members, we offer flexible meeting options:

  • In-Office Meetings: For those who can attend in person.
  • Conference Calls: For family members who are out of the area.
  • Home Visits: For elders who have difficulty traveling to our offices.

Expertise and Support at Triad

At Triad, we have the expertise to mediate and find solutions for family members involved in elder care conflicts. Our team includes partners who can assist with physical care assessments and financial planning, ensuring a holistic approach to mediation.


Elder mediation is invaluable for resolving conflicts and developing thoughtful, practical plans for the future. By involving all stakeholders, improving communication, and bringing in necessary experts, mediation helps families navigate the complex and often emotional decisions regarding the care and well-being of elderly members. If your family is facing such challenges, consider contacting a professional mediator to guide you through the process and find workable solutions for everyone involved.

For more information and assistance, contact Triad today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help your family achieve peace and resolution through mediation.